Father's Day is tomorrow, and it's nice to celebrate it again.
I boycotted Father's Day for 7 years after my dad died.
When I was sixteen he was killed in a vehicle accident when he was headed to watch one of my games in high school. The accident was obviously horrible, and to make it worse we drove right by the scene on the way home without knowing it was him. It goes without saying that it took me some time to get over what I'd seen and experienced.
The first Father's Day after his passing, I barely made it through church without crying. I went to the cemetery afterward and bawled. If you knew me in high school, you'd know that I hated it when people saw me cry. I started trying to conveniently skip church on Father's Day every year, from then on out. It never fails that it's all about dad, which is great! However it was just a reminder that mine wouldn't be there to stand and be recognized or hear a sermon on how to become a better father, or go to lunch with his family afterward and at the time, it was too much for me. As I got older it got better, but I still dreaded going to church on Father's Day.
Last year was the first time since Dad's died that I felt joy on Father's Day. We now are parents and I'm blessed to have a wonderful and loving father for my children. I guess you could say my Father's Day Boycott has been lifted.

I'm thankful for the limited amount of years I had to spend with my earthly father. I also pray that Jaden and Baby L have many years with their daddy.