Thursday was the 20 week mark for us. While we're excited and happy that we're half way there, it's bittersweet. I found out a friend of mine, who was only 4 weeks behind me has had another miscarriage. This makes 2 for them in the past year. With every text and every comment from her, my heart breaks, and I can't help but tear up.
We rejoice knowing that in 20 weeks we'll see our little boy, but our hearts ache for our friends who will not see their baby again until they get to Heaven. I can't even begin to imagine the pain they are feeling, both physically and emotionally during this time. This week I've been praying for them frequently, and I ask that you would pray for them as well. I know our prayers have been answered already by the obvious strength and faith they've shown in the contact that I've had with them.
In the words of Stephen, " ."
Please remember the Miller family in your prayers this week.
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