Wednesday, June 8, 2011

149/365- Sneaky Devil

No bones about it, Satan is hazardous to life. Perhaps, biohazardous? People say that you don't have to worry if things are getting tough as a Christian. It's when things get easy that you need to question what you're doing. They say that (whoever "they" are) because when Satan doesn't view you as a threat, He doesn't need to mess with you. He can. He just doesn't need to.

It's when things get rough, when life seems unbearable and when people criticize you, that usually you're on the right track. James tells us to, "consider it a joy" when trouble comes your way. It's the growing pains of faith. Nothing ever grows in the midst of being comfortable. So I encourage you today. If life is tough. Good. If people are trying to tear you down. Wonderful! Give it to God and let Him grow you. It's in the darkest nights that Christ shines the brightest.



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