Friday, February 25, 2011

57/365: Peace

It's back.

Snow has fallen again in Bowling Green, and this time it came as a surprise. A spring teaser came in a few weeks ago but quickly left yesterday afternoon as the snow came down heavy around 2:00. Road conditions were less than poor and schools were canceled....again.

Lucky for me I purchased some snow boots after last month's blizzard.

Although I dislike the cold and bitterness of the snow I do love the beauty and the quietness it brings. A big snowfall makes everyone slow down a little bit, stay inside, or regroup. Few people are out driving and the quietness even in town is almost eerie. It reminds me of the peace that only Christ can bring. So many times I've been bogged down with worry, anger, or sadness and at the peak of the mess I'm in, when I let Him take control of the situation the peace that surpasses all understanding comes over me. Sometimes it doesn't come easy or quickly but much like the snow that falls, the quiet doesn't come sometimes until everything is done, and I've complained and cried, or been sick. It's when I let go, that I get the peace I need.

Jesus be my peace tonight.

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