Sunday, May 15, 2011

130/365: Flashback - For Julie and Dave

We spent the weekend with some long time friends. As always, we got to reminiscing about the past. One thing that came up was the summer that Julie and Dave started dating. I'm sure they could tell the story much better, but Bonnie and I (and God) are responsible for getting them together. The summer after we graduated high school, we somehow were trusted to be in charge of our youth group. Yep. 4 18 year olds in charge of chaperoning and teaching youth group! :) It was so fun that summer. It was a lot of work, but I remember getting to spend so much time with some of my best friends. We roped in some friends of ours to help out whenever we could, Dave included. I remember discussing Julie at some point with him as I was "teaching him to play guitar" in the Way Inn, and talking about her with him as we roamed around Walmart after church one summer night.

He told me that night that he was going to marry her, and they weren't even dating.:) (awww)

I don't remember exactly how they started dating, but I do know that there was something to do with purposely taking way too long to put up a shopping cart so that he could talk to her for longer that night. However it happened, I for one am glad it happened. Julie has been one of my best friends since I was just a tot. We grew up together and lost more hours of sleep than we could count together. I always hoped that someday my friend's husbands and my husbands would be great friends. My wish has come true. I'm speaking for Steve, but I know that Dave means so much to Steve, and has been a great friend to have and brother in Christ. When we were growing up, Julie was always "the mom" of the group. She ALWAYS had anything you needed on trips, had the best route mapped out, with coupons, and knew how to fix things. Now, 10 years later she really is a wonderful mother to her beautiful little girl (aka Jaden's future wife) Hayden. Julie, Dave, we're so blessed to have you guys in our lives. We love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. awww.. love you too! Dave's face in this pic is priceless! ha ha Good times as always!
