I'm currently working on a new website. I've been trying to get all the images I want for my portfolio and everything else just perfect for it. I want clients/potential clients to get a feel of who I am when they visit the site, and I hope I'm successful.
I've been going through images and I ran across these and in the midst of all the "business" side of my job, these images made me stop for a moment and almost brought tears to my eyes. It's not that the photos themselves are amazingly composed, or the lighting is perfect, or anything technical; it's the relationship they've documented. I've decided these are my all-time favorites so far. :)

Eric and Libby are part of a family of 5. We were friends with them in North Carolina. Eric works hard to provide for his family and being a marine has made several sacrifices and spent much time away from his precious children and wife.
Libby may only be 4, but she's going on 25. I've NEVER met a 4 year old who is more of a little lady than Libby! I think her vocabulary is more extensive than my own! :)
When I came across these images it dawned on me.
This is why I do what I do.
It's not to make money, it's not because it's "fun". I am a photographer because when Libby is my age and getting married I want her to be able to put these images in her wedding slideshow. I want it to be a reminder to Eric of who's he's fighting for when he's deployed. I want Eric to remember how sweet his little girl is and one day, and when the sad day comes when Eric is gone I want Libby to be able to look back at these pictures and remember how much her daddy adored her.
If the relationships I capture accomplish this- It's enough.
If I never make another penny, it's been worth it. I hope that on my new site that clients get this, and see this through my work.
LOVE this!