It seems like so long ago when this picture was taken. Sitting on a sandbag bunker playing guitar may not be exactly what you might think of when you think of a deployment to Iraq, but there were times when everything just stopped and life is beautiful again. There is always a sense of peace when you know you're exactly where you're suppose to be.
Two years ago I was stationed in the middle of nowhere, Iraq with some of the best men I've ever met. In the midst of uncertainty I knew that's where I was suppose to be. So some evenings, I would borrow a guitar from one of my Marines and escape from the darkness of a war torn reality. (No clue where my Marine got the guitar from, sometimes its better not to ask)
Music can inspire you, excite you, depress you, and sometimes it can take you far away from the reality around you. What did I sing about? Well, sometimes I'd sing about coming home, sometimes I'd sing about the love awaiting my return, but mostly I remember just praising God. Believe it or not, Iraq is a beautiful country with some truly amazing scenery. Desert sunsets, clear night skies, and the awe of a massive wall of sand bearing down on you can bring you to a true sense of worship.
There are somethings that pictures don't do justice to. This is one of those things.
I know that I'm probably breaking a rule by putting more than one photo up a day, or using past photos, but I don't care. These are the memories that I hope never fade, and always make me appreciate the things in life that I take for granted. Good things like hot showers, good food, clean laundry, and the peace of a full night's sleep. And the best things, like the proud handshake from my dad, the loving touch from my wife, and the laughter of my son.
May the memories never fade, the appreciation never cease, and God forever recieve the glory.
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