That's right, FAMtastic friends! As in friends who are so fantastic, they're family.
Tonight we had dinner plans with my friend Taylor, who just graduated Marine Corps boot camp, and his girlfriend Megan. Since we were in the Illinois area, we decided to swing by and crash at uncle Chris's house.
As a kid, I grew up as a Marine Corps brat so we were constantly traveling. 6 states, 7 schools, and 9 houses by the time I was 13 didn't leave much time for making a lot of friends. Then I moved to a small town in Illinois where I found the treasure of a lifetime... lifelong friends.
Chris is my best friend and has been like a brother to me since we were in junior high. Jaden got so excited to see Uncle Chris, he jumped around on Chris's lap until he spit up (as seen in picture).
So we'll spend the night making fun of each other, playing games, and probably watching TV until we fall asleep. Although right now, MK and Chris are seeing how many times they can hit Jaden's toy baseball back and forth with their hands before it hits the ground. I don't know which is worse, the fact that two adults have more fun playing with baby toys than my child, or that I'm entertained by watching it.
Either way, at least I won at scrabble last night! 192-261!!! BOOYAH!!!
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