Friday, January 28, 2011

28/365: Multiplicity

I've got a magic potion to double...wait...multiply myself by 6. It's called Photoshop. Looking at this photo it's a little too much Mary Kim for me (and probably for my husband).

If you've ever seen the movie "Multiplicity" it's kind of like that, except for I'm not sure which one would be the dumbest one...?

Now, this is my first attempt at a composite image, so please be nice and don't look too closely!! I totally stole this idea from another blog post I saw a few years ago. Let me make it clear that this is not the agenda of my everyday. I'm in my "office" everyday working on images and taking care of business matters, but some would probably think that this is what I do all day.

It's not.

I don't vacuum everyday and laundry gets done once a week. (If I'm lucky) ;)

Wish I had a #4 to send to Wal-Mart right now. But until I find the real secret to cloning myself times 5...I gotta run. :)


1 comment:

  1. I want to know which one will be called Steve...although that might be confused with your maybe you should just be one you and go get some pizza! :) I love that movie!
