Friday, April 29, 2011

118/365- Toy for Tot

I tell everyone that Jaden doesn't need toys. We don't buy them for him but between family and friends, he has accrued a good amount. Our good friend Brandon Marshburn told us when we were pregnant, "don't buy toys, cause they'll just play with trash.". Here's Jaden thrilled to death with a clothes hangar. Case and point.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

117/365: Rock the Hawk

Tried something new today. I gave Jaden a fauxhawk. In case you don't know what a fauxhawk is, just look around at all the funny looking celebs or plethora of youth pastors who wear their hair spiked up in the middle. It's all the rage. ;) Jaden's hair is a little long to do it right now, and didn't want to cooperate, even with gel today so we'll try again soon. Still, I don't think he cared too much. If it helps him get attention from the ladies he's in.

Monday, April 25, 2011

116/365: Baby Steps

Jaden took his first steps on his own tonight. He only took two, and they were fumbled and clumsy. He wouldn't repeat it either. Of course I didn't have my video camera close by. After bathtime tonight he decided to do it, completely naked, arms out like Frankenstein.

I love this kid. :)

I anticipate this becoming a regular occurrence in the Loeffler household. You better find some good hiding spots Cali.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

115/365: Easter

Happy Easter to everyone! What a great day to celebrate our risen savior! Today I sang a song with a friend in church and it's such a perfect song for Easter. I heard on the radio that the lyrics to this song were written in the early 1900's. How cool that the lyrics still hold true today? That's the amazing and awesome truth and relevance of the word of gospel. It's actually an old hymn as well, titled "One Day". Casting Crowns has taken it and given it a total new twist, and I love them for it. :)

As you finish out your Easter, take a min if you haven't already and reflect on the gospel delivered through these lyrics.

One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He
Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He
Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me

One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He’s ascended, my Lord evermore
Death could not hold Him, the grave could not keep Him
From rising again

One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my Beloved One, bringing
My Savior, Jesus, is mine

114/365: Book Worm

Jaden Loves to read. I try to read to him at every day or at least every other day. His favorite books are the ones that are interactive. He loves flap books and touch and feel books the most. Ever so often he'll sit through a longer one. A few of my favorites that I read to him whenever I get the rare chance of him sitting still long enough, are:

- I Love You Through and Through
- God Gave Us You
- There's Rocks In My Socks
- Stand Back Said the Elephant, I'm Going to Sneeze
- Green Eggs and Ham

There are lots of other ones that I am very fond of but these stick out to me. If you remember right, I am not a reader. I would much rather watch the movie or read the cliff notes most of the time. I hope that Jaden takes after his daddy in his reading interest. By the way, I'm still not through the book that I mentioned in my post titled: Chapter Three Syndrome.

I think this photo makes him look so grown up for some reason. Time is flying by with our little man.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

113/365: sickly

This is the aftermath if yesterday, well only partly. I had about 3 other trash cans full of kleenexes. Body aches, runny nose, and drowsiness does not mix well with chasing a 1 year old around. Fortunately Jaden was especially good for me and even let me nap while he napped.

Today I feel like a new woman. Body aches are gone, praise the Lord, and the runny nose has lightened up a bit.

Tomorrow we celebrate Easter. I haven't gotten an Easter basket for J nor do I think I'm going to. I'm faced with the delima of whether to bring secular culture like easter eggs and bunnies into our Christian celebrations. I guess we have a few more years to decide on that. We do however feel it's important to stress the real reason we celebrate Easter and Christmas. It's about Jesus christ who came to this earth to save us.

Friday, April 22, 2011

112/365: 15 weeks

Yesterday marked 15 weeks for us in the second round of our pregnancy journey. I'm just entering the beer gut stage, so that is fun...not. Jaden thinks it's funny now to pull my shirt up to tickle my belly button. I keep pointing to my belly saying "baby", but he kind of just looks at me with blank stares and touches my belly button with his index finger again to see if I'll fake laugh.

Hopefully he won't make it a habit of looking for my belly button in public in the coming months.

Nobody wants to see that.

Last night we went out on a date and I cleaned my plate, and half of Stephen's. In my defense, we did split a sandwich platter so it was really not quite a full meal on one plate. :) I did kind of feel like the crazy pregnant lady who ate up everyone else's food though.

Oh well. :) It was delicious!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

111/365: Asian Cowgirl

These are not my legs, nor my boots. Are you kidding? I could never pass for wearing these awesome boots, mainly because I'm Asian. :)

These boots are from a senior session I had earlier this week from a beautiful girl from my hometown.

Stephen and I actually discussed the other day about how being Asian would have been so different back during western days in America. Stephen would have been a cowboy or deputy rounding up all the bad guys and I would have been working on the railroad...or a brothel. We kind of had a chuckle about it and it made me glad that I was born when I was. Then Stephen made the comment about Shanghai Noon and how Jackie Chan was an Asian cowboy. I then reminded him that it was a movie. ;)

It's funny that I really only think about looking different when someone brings it up (awkwardly or rudely), or when we talk about history. I obviously see myself in the mirror everyday (well, most days) but I've just never felt that different than any other American citizen. When I was a kid I was teased about the way I looked by kids in my class, but that wore off in the first couple of years and I eventually blended right in, or so it seemed. In fact, a friend of mine I grew up with didn't realize I was adopted till the 6th grade. (I love you Christy Lutz)

I never really thought about it too much till I went to college when you start trying to establish your individuality rather than try so hard to fit in. I wasn't blond and tall like a lot of my girl friends, and I couldn't wear cowboy boots or cowboy hats (when they were the fad) without looking ridiculous, or like I was Jackie Chan. I COULD keep a tan for longer though. haha. I've eventually come to embrace that I look different, and I am ok with it. :)

Who knows...maybe someday I'll step out of my house in cowboy boots and a cowboy hat and just not care.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

110/365: Trouble

We're lucky to have so many friends with kids close to the same age. Really, no matter which group of friends we're hanging out with, there's always a kid within a few years of Jaden. This makes it so fun. A lot of our friends have babies that are just a few months different than him. This is fun to compare stories, experiences, and questions. It's also very helpful and comforting to know that we're not the only one on this crazy ride we call parenting. :)

This is Eli. His mom and dad are Mark and Mandi. We've been friends with Mark and Mandi since high school. Steve of course has been friends with them longer, but when I came into the picture, they always made me feel like I just naturally fit in with them.

This photo looks like trouble, I know. They both look like they're up to something. Today we had a lot of fun while they visited, even though we had crazy weather and didn't get to go to the park. :( Next time I hope. Thanks guys for coming to see us! Hopefully we will get to see you soon. :)

109/365: hail

Today we had some interesting weather. We had tornados, hail, rain, wind, and fog. Luckily we were safe however we probably were not very smart. We saw everything from the front porch.
This is the largest piece of hail I've ever seen.

Maybe next time we should head to the basement.

Monday, April 18, 2011

108/365: Dimples

Playing catch up yet again today. Jaden and I traveled to Illinois this weekend for a few senior sessions from my hometown. This little guy is the best little traveler. He likes to ride and usually naps or talks to me from my mirror since we can see each other.
This sweet little smile and his dimples give me butterflies in my tummy.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

107/365: Prom Day

Today was prom day for our students here in Bowling Green. I took some photos of the beautiful girls and sharp looking guys today. It was fun to remember how fun it was to get dressed up and fee pretty for one night.

Just for fun I thought I'd post a photo from when Stephen and I went to prom together. This photos is from Stephen's senior year prom. I obviously had a softball tournament that day. I guess I had a bad habbit of rolling my v-neck jersey sleeves. He told me his tuxedo was black pants with a white jacket and I thought he was kidding.

Stephen looks like such a kid in this picture. As do I. We were so young, and I had no idea that 10 years later I'd be married to this guy.

Friday, April 15, 2011

106/365: Chick Flicks Are Dangerous

I get suckered into watching girlie movies a lot. Especially on nights that I am at home by myself. I'm here to tell you though, chick flicks are terrible for your relationship. Maybe I seem a little cynical, but it's the truth. When I was in college I sat through psych and gender communication courses and they showed us study after study about this very thing. I've come to realize, it's true! Let me explain.

Think about this- in the movies, there's usually 1 of 2 story lines.

a) A guy and girl who are long lost lovers. They were in love long ago, or one was in love with the other one (usually in high school or summer fling), but life moved on and now the long lost lover enters back into their life and the main character (usually the girl) has a decision to make. Does she stay with the man she is currently married to/in relationship with? Or does she "follow her heart" and be with the one that got away?

b) The "friend" who is in love with the main character, but the main character is in love with someone else. Usually the more handsome/beautiful/attractive one and the "friend" is the supportive and funny one. The main character usually ends up realizing the love that the "friend" has for them and then end up together- happily ever after.

Ok. Let's dissect. Here's something that always makes me mad. In example a), the main character never or rarely chooses the relationship they are in now, and even when the do choose to stay in their committed marriage or their new love, they are made out to be the bad guy. There's something wrong with this picture. In example b), the truth is that this rarely happens in real life. The part about "friends" being in love with them is often true, but the chances of them actually falling for each other is slim. Sorry to break it to you.

Not only that, but of course the characters are always gorgeous and perfect. He brings flowers on dates, knows exactly what to say, opens doors and thinks of little details and special things to do for her. Oh, and can usually do something special- like cook or play an instrument, or has a really unique hobby like making stained glass windows (or something crazy like that). She of course looks gorgeous with a full face of makeup on even when she's just woken up and is skinny and beautiful. We're left sitting in the audience thinking, "why doesn't my boyfriend/husband do that for me?" or "dang it. now I have to do stuff like this for her, or I wish she looked like that!"
Truth be told! :)

Let's face it. Very few of our relationships look like the ones on the sliver screen.
Here's a more realistic love story.

Girl gets heart broken by a boy who she thought loved her. Boy falls in love with a someone who wouldn't give him love back. He moves on, meets girl, they fall in love. They realize that love goes beyond butterflies in their stomachs and empty compliments. They marry, and life is not perfect. They have their rough patches and their wonderful moments but they are in it for the long haul, and are not throwing in the towel. They become each others best friends and before they know it, they become the combination of both a) and b): they've loved for so long they're now each others long lost loves and have become each others best friend.

(hypothetical of course)

Being ordinary or having rough patches doesn't make your love story inferior. It makes it real.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

105/365 - Microfleece

When Mary Kim and I were engaged, I came back from North Carolina for a visit for a few days. So, being the wonderful fiance I am, I told her that we could do anything she wanted to do while I was home. She wanted to register for our wedding. I regretted the offer immediately. My disappointment must have been obvious because an argument ensued. MK was mad. I was bored. I told her that I would go. But it wasn't enough for me to go with her, she wanted me to "want to" go with her. I wonder if every husband has had this conversation with his wife?

So as I was reluctantly registering, I came across the most amazing blanket in the world. Microfleece blankets! I love them! I registered for at least 6, I think. Jaden is a fan as well. So I choose to look back on that day as a sacrifice for the greater good. The greater good? Well, she still married me, I got enough blankets to have one in every room, my baby boy found a security blanket. All's well that ends well. :)


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

104/365: Fushi

Tonight I made lettuce wraps (like PF Changs) and sushi. Yep! Sushi, my first attempt.
I made my own version of sushi tonight, something I like to call "fushi". Every kind of sushi has nori or seaweed in it but I hate the taste of it.

I must not be truly Asian.

Therefore, I made my own sushi without seaweed. Pretty good! In case you're wondering, I had wanted to make California rolls (crab, avocado, and cucumber) but Bowling Green was sold out of avocado. Fo sho.
So, I just made them with crab, cucumber and cream cheese. :) Yumm.

We had a great time tonight with friends and were greatly entertained at a few people who thought that wasabi was meant to be devoured in large quantities and despised the taste of pickled ginger.

I would much rather eat "Fushi" any day of the week. Why haven't I tried this before now?

On a side note, hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat tomorrow morning at our doctor's appointment. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

103/365 - Mr. Biteyfoot

This weekend I spent time with my favorite little pal. We had a great weekend together and despite what he may have written, he never complained about the food once. Although, with all due respect... the little dude will eat anything. From drinking spoiled milk, to eating ripped up paper towels, to biting my feet, that boy will try anything once. So here's the evidence. Mr. Biteyfoot... biting... my... foot. He wouldn't bite hard, but more like a little puppy gnawing on your toes. It was a little disturbing, a little funny, but most of all it tickled. It was worth a laugh, and a picture. -Steve

Monday, April 11, 2011

102/365: Laugh Until You Cry

I'm cheating this week with some of these photos. I didn't have time to take a photo specifically for the blog today, but I did laugh for a while to myself seeing this photo tonight. This was Caitlyn's 21st birthday in college, and this is what we did. We went to eat at Kreiger's, came back and took stupid pictures of us jumping off the couch and hanging out. I remember laughing till my stomach hurt. Our neighbors who lived above us probably were pounding on the floor to tell us to be quiet, and we probably jabbed the ceiling with the broom in response.

I remember this year of college being probably the most fun. I loved rooming with these crazy girls. I think I laughed more in that year than my entire college career.

I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt. Can you? I wish I could, and more than that, I wish I had those times more often.

Laughter doesn't fix broken hearts, heal sickness, or grant you your needs, but it does make everything better for the moment. :) I hope you find something to laugh about tomorrow, and that sooner than later, you laugh until you cry.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

101/365: The Preacher's Wife

I just got home tonight from a weekend with 59 (ish) other women. We traveled to southern Missouri as a large caravan. People probably thought we were a little crazy, but it was fun. I could write about everything that we did, but instead I wanted to share something that we heard in church today. We were privileged to hear the pastor's wife speak at a church who is a published author and speaker. She shared her testimony, and also gave encouragement about self- esteem issues. Something that hit me was when she talked about the pre-conceived notions/stereotypes of being a pastor's wife. It made me giggle a little bit and I'll share why later. Here are some of the things she mentioned.

A pastor's wife....
- sings, plays piano
- spends hours a day on her knees in prayer
- always has a smile on her face
- has a perfect marriage and perfect children
- volunteers for every ministry her church offers
- leads Bible study/teaches Sunday school every week
- is on time to everything
-is a teacher
- dressed to the hills always

If you know me very well, you'll see that I have about 2 of these down. :) There of course were other things she mentioned that people think about pastor's wives, none of which were true of me.

When we started talking about going into the ministry I was apprehensive- and this is why. Then a couple of years ago I met a pastor's wife who didn't fit the mold...and I realized that I would be ok. Obviously I am not a "pastor's wife" but a "youth pastor's wife". However, the stereotypes remain the same, if not more.

I admit I need to pray more, and some days I feel depressed. Our marriage has flaws, and Jaden can be a turd. I work in 1 ministry and only teach Sunday school occasionally. I am rarely on time, I've never wanted to be a teacher, and I wear sweat pants and t shirts to Sunday night youth.

Sue me. Just kidding.

My name is Mary Kim, and I'm a non-traditional pastor's wife. ;)
(not Mormon)

and I'm ok with that.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

100/365 - Out of the box

I haven't always been an "outside the box" thinker. For most of my life I have gone with the flow, didn't ask many questions, accepted things for what they were, and never thought much of it. This is especially the case with regards to traditional church. However, the more I've learned, the more I've questioned, and the more I've sought biblical truth, the more confident I am that we as a Church need to get outside our box. Whether our box is a building, a program, Sunday morning, or a service... our faith needs to reach outside the boxes we've put them in.

We've built programs that have, although unintentionally, replaced individual responsibility. We keep people accountable to church attendance rather than to authentic worship through everyday obedience. We focus on numbers instead of on individual discipleship. We believe in curriculum more than the Holy Spirit's illumination.

Why do we think inviting people to church is the biblical approach to seeing people come to Christ? How could our corporate worship of God make sense to someone who doesn't have a relationship with God? Wasn't the Gospel meant to be preached outside of our walls, while fellowship and discipleship taught inside. We seemed to have reversed the model of the 1st century church.

Christ's command was this, "As you are going, make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you...." Christ didn't say, "Go and build churches. When you build them, they will come. Then create programs to teach them, and make them good people." Individual obedience and responsibility is implied. He gives us the who, what, where, and when. The "why" is because we love Him and want to obey Him. The "how" he seems to leave open ended and in the hands of the Holy Spirit's guidance. But maybe that's too out of the box for us.

If we were serious about reaching an unbelieving people... wouldn't the best time to find them be during the Sunday church hour? Try cancelling the church worship service one Sunday to have everyone go out and tell people about Christ during that time. Better yet, have the church families invite their unbelieving friends/coworkers to their own house to serve them breakfast and to tell them about Christ. See how people respond.

Get out of the box.

It'll bring you joy, I mean, just look how happy Tigger is!


99/365 - Dear Da Da

Dear Da da,

I'm writing this to tell you that I love you very much. However, there are some points of concern I'd like to address while Mama is away. If you could pay a little more attention to the contents of the diaper bag, I would appreaciate it very much. I say this because I pulled out a bottle of milk that was left over and I found it to be a bit... chunky. Is it suppose to be like that? If so, I don't "prefer" it.

Also, I realize that you don't cook like Mama does, but do I have to have bananas all the time? What am I, a monkey? I would have really enjoyed some of those thin mints you were eating. Although, I did like those chicken thingy's from the bag with the golden arches. Yum.

Anywho... I love hanging out with you and the naps we take together. Sorry about the smelly diapers... it's kinda my thing. Can't wait to wake you up in the morning to go to church!! I love you dada!!

Your baby boy,


P.S. Mom, if you're reading this, I'm alive and well. Come home soon. Bring food.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

98/365: Rest

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

-Matthew 11:28

I could use some rest these days.

I hope you find rest tonight and in the coming days.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

97/365: Beneficial Purpose

Hello again.

I'm starting to feel like my life is slightly dull when I realize the only thing I have to blog about is this pepperoni sandwich I made for myself today, which of course I ate crust first.

Am I really this dull? or is it that I'm just this lazy?

I'm tempted to give up the 365 blog because I'm honestly tired of hearing (seeing) my own voice. Perhaps I'm a little burned out, and it's only April.

My friend Nikki always says we should speak with "beneficial purpose." What beneficial purpose does this blog serve?

With that thought, I will leave you with my pepperoni sandwich. Don't knock it till you try it: deli sized pepperoni slices on white bread. Yum-O.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

96/365: How to Catch a Mouse

I know we are behind...again. After this post we should be caught up. I'd intended on posting a simple post of Pioneer Woman's Chicken Tortilla soup that I'd made tonight. Then something more interesting happened to me. First off, the soup was excellent. It must have smelled so good that another furry little creature couldn't resist the smells coming from the stove. When I went back to the kitchen I discovered a mouse. Yes, a mouse!! Growing up I never saw a mouse in our house. (please excuse my Dr. Seusness) I used to think it was silly how people got so worked up about them and screamed and carried on. I am sad and embarrassed to say, that our neighbors may have thought I was getting murdered in my kitchen when I saw him scamper across the back of the counter. I wasn't about to let him just get away though. So, here's what I did.

First off, he was trapped in the corner behind the microwave. I kept him there for a while by yelling things and throwing random objects towards him when he would poke his little head out.

This lasted about 15 min.

I got this grand idea that I'd trap him in an empty canister I had by luring him in with peanut butter. However, I was fearful that if I took my eye off of the microwave he'd make a run for it.
So, eventually I calmed myself from throwing things at him and he got brave and ran to the other side of the counter. Little did he know that I had my canister ready for him! Ha Ha!! I got him!
I didn't get his tail though. I thought about cutting it off with the canister, but then thought that would be extremely gross. So, there I stood, mouse under canister. I thought to grab something flat to slide under him to trap him, but I was fearful of moving my hand too much because the canisters I have are lightweight.

So then I did what any closet girlie girl does. I called my knight in shining armor. Stephen was at men's Bible study, and I can only imagine the conversation they had about me when I got off the phone. I think he got a good chuckle and head shake out of my frantic call about our killer mouse. I became a chicken and followed Stephen's lead by putting a bowl on top of the canister, and the toaster, and just in case that wasn't enough- a full bottle of windex for a little extra weight.

What?! It's the closest things I had available?

It's still sitting like this waiting for him when he get's home.
I kept checking to see if I could still see his little tail under the gap between the counter and the bowl to make sure my inmate was still there. I'm holding back from going back down stairs to check every 5 minutes. I think I may be a little bit of a mouse torturer too. I was trying to gas him out by spraying bleach cleaner around the edges of the trap.

I've spent the last 45 min. sanitizing everything on my kitchen counter. I smell like bleach and every dish that was washed and dried, is now washed and drying again.

So that's how I catch a mouse. I even gave a mouse speech after I trapped him, just in case any other furry critters were listening. Something along the lines of "yeah you better stay out of my kitchen, or this is what'll happen to ya! ya hear me? You hear me?"

My tone may have been slightly elevated due to the adrenaline rushing through me, and I'm fairly certain that my finger was shaking, I had crazy eyes and my chin was protruding.

I told them. I got them good.

95/365: Long Lost Friends

This was not the photo I'd intended on posting. I had planned to take a photo of Jaden in his diaper, climbing on the step ladder in the kitchen, but when I laid down on the floor, a big mystery was discovered. I saw a number of toys that had been thrown underneath the oven, by my son.
Jaden has this game he likes to play. He carries his small toys (blocks, plastic pieces, cups, and small animal toys) all over the house, as he army crawls from room to room. I was just thinking to myself about how it was sad that the toy on the refrigerator had no vehicle magnets for him to play with anymore because he'd carried them all away to another place. Then I found these. After cleaning them they sat on the washer to dry. I'm sure Jaden won't notice them being back in the toy basket, but I'm sure they appreciate being pulled out from under the dark and dirty oven.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

94/365: By The Way...

Cheating a little bit tonight for the blog. This photo is from Thursday, and I've been too busy today and this weekend to get creative outside of "work". Oh yeah, and by the way, we're pregnant!!! :) Come October we will have 2 under 2! Catchy name for a new blog?? haha! I can barely keep up with this one and the business one!
In case you aren't friends with us on facebook, I figured we'd let the blogging world know about our little peanut.
For the many questions we've had so far, here are a few short answers.

- Yes we are excited!
- No this wasn't an "accident"
- Due October 13
- Yes we know it will be a "handful" but we're certain that God's got it under control
- Boy or Girl, we're just hoping for healthy.:) (and happy would be nice too)
- Jaden and baby # 2 will be 19 months apart

Besides that, I'm not looking forward to getting rounder and rounder as the weeks pass, but I am looking forward to eating whatever I want with no questions, feeling baby #2 move and kick, and of course holding another sweet little baby in my arms. :)

Steve had another idea for a photo, but we didn't have the time to do it. Maybe we'll do it in the coming weeks and post. :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

93/365 - Hearned... and given

In the Marines we have a saying, "Earned... never given." Referring to earning the title of being a Marine. Although you have to earn the title, you can be given the T-shirt.

Meet Ryan Hearn. He is one of my best friends from back East, a brother in Christ, and fellow youth pastor. Although the picture may seem a little strange, it was one of the more serious pictures that I have of us. I guess we're just a little different. I bought the shirt for MK a long time ago, and then Mary Kim passed it on. I think this picture borders on "bromantic".

I was blessed to be serve on a youth leadership team under his guidance and direction in Jacksonville, NC. I learned a ton from him and I still look to him for advice today. It's been said that there are no self made men. This is just another example of how God has used a Christ loving man to influence and shape who I am. So, thanks Ryan. May God continue to use you to make disciples, who make disciples.


P.S. Maa Maa!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

92/365: Redbox Ate My Money

This was going to be what I did tonight. I rented this movie that I thought would be cute and had heard good things about. However, with Stephen being gone for the evening, and J asleep for the night, I sat myself down in front of our computer and worked. Before I knew it it was 11:30. Time to blog, and time for bed!! Like my previous post said, I LOVE my job, but it sometimes gives poor hours. I've gotten better, but it used to be that I'd stay up till 2 and 3 in the morning to finish up. No Mas! It's a good thing I don't have a normal job, with normal hours because I tend to be a little bit of a workaholic.

I got much accomplished but as my eyelids are growing very heavy, I don't think I can make it to stay up for a movie. So, once again, Redbox is eating my extra money for the extra day. Poop.

So my dear friends, I am off to bed.

I'm sure that you are tired of hearing (seeing) me talk so much lately. My apologies. Take it up with the husband. I think I need a break from this blog project, and you need a break from me.

I promise, "It's not you it's me" and "We can still be friends".